PC & J

Pat Cole & Jamie Jenson

Lemons Into Lemonade

So here we are in beautiful Wilson Wyoming, hunkered down in a huge park-n-ride because we have an appointment in the morning to get our brakes worked on.  Boiled the brake fluid coming down a 10% (wo!) grade, minimal brakes by the time we got to the bottom.  Luckily found a shop in town willing to squeeze us in and look at them tomorrow (thank you Rabbit Row Repair!) Hopefully just a quick bleeding and we’ll be on our way.  In the meantime we had a fine walk yesterday, a lovely two hour bike ride today, played some music, relaxed, and enjoyed major views of the Tetons and the Snake River.  There are lots of bike paths and quiet streets to ride on, the smoke is better today, and we’re home wherever we are so - we’re home.  Now for a nice dinner, glass of wine, and maybe a movie or british mystery.


A sweet place to stop and rest along the bike path


The land for the bike trails has some wonderful Informational signs that are illustrated by the students at the local elementary school. We were so amazed at the numerous bicycle, walking and horse trails that abound in this suburb of Jackson.